Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center -- Pearl's Release

To put everyone's mind at ease about Pearl's release. This will be well documented and the exact time and place will NOT be disclosed. It will most definitely be in the next 2 weeks. Getting everything and everybody involved coordinated has been a challenge. For obvious reasons I will do this privately. Pearl is a good, healthy weight and continues to hunt well . These few extra days are not hurting her in the least. For those that are not satisfied with this schedule, I'm sorry, but it's my call and I'll handle this as I see fit. After 30 years of experience and successful releases, don't worry, things will be just fine. Stay day when you least expect it, this page will be filled with videos and images of Pearl launching her journey from being the lone, fuzzy, tenacious baby, to being the strong, beautiful Queen of the night skies.